Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas is FINALLY over and we can focus on life again! WHEW.....
So cute story... hilarious really. We are at the movies last night with our kids and all the cousins. Nathan was going to the football game today and had an extra ticket since I couldn't go, no sitter.   So he leans into our son and says, "hey you wanna go to the football game with dad tomorrow?" He says, "no, I don't wanna, let sissy". So dad says, " You don't want to come with me :( I'll get you a root beer, IN A BOTTLE all for you!" So innocent like this was totally normal Bubby reaches his hand up and says, "ok, and 45 dollars" HAHAHAHAHA
Out of the mouths of babes! Learning early how to get what he wants! ;)

And it looks like he had a good time ;)